Illuminating Canadian biodiversity with DNA-based identification systems
Our Mission
Enable high-throughput biosurveillance for all multicellular life and transform our capacity to manage biodiversity in Canada and worldwide.

Environmental change is driving species extinctions at an accelerating pace. If we are to curb these trajectories, we must be able to rapidly track changes in biodiversity on a planetary scale. Motivated by this urgent need, the International Barcode of Life (iBOL) Consortium activated BIOSCAN in June 2019. Coordinated from Canada’s Centre for Biodiversity Genomics (CBG), BIOSCAN involves researchers and organizations from over 30 nations which share the goal of establishing an Earth observation system for biodiversity.
BIOSCAN-Canada is catalyzing BIOSCAN’s success in each of these areas:
Species Discovery
Complete the registry of all multicellular life in Canada using DNA barcoding
Species Interactions
Reveal connections between species to understand biological communities
Species Dynamics
Track changes in species distribution in response to ecosystem modifications
BIOSCAN-Canada's research goals:
Optimizing protocols for
biodiversity analysis
BIOSCAN-Canada aims to optimize protocols for DNA barcoding, symbiome analysis, and metabarcoding – tools that will increase the speed and scope of biodiversity analysis. These cost-effective methods will also increase the capacity of the CBG’s core facility and will be transferred to new core facilities in other countries to accelerate the work of BIOSCAN internationally.
Building genomics-based biodiversity knowledge
Our work generates genomics-based biodiversity knowledge for ecosystems. It reveals new species and interactions among species that could help to mitigate and forecast economic impacts.
BIOSCAN-Canada is also tracking how species are responding to environmental change.
Developing a Natural Capital Accounting system
BIOSCAN-Canada is developing a Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) system that incorporates genomics-based biodiversity knowledge co-produced with Indigenous Peoples. Our team fosters discussions to facilitate user-informed generation and dissemination of results. At the same time, the NCA framework will address policy relevance and access and benefits sharing related to digital sequence information.
Genomics benefitting society and nature
- Develop new tools to support Canada’s environmental consulting, forestry, and agriculture sectors through faster, more accurate biodiversity monitoring and assessment
- Engage local communities and incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing into an accounting method for "natural capital"
- Enable effective and timely policymaking and conservation planning
- Strengthen Canada's leadership in worldwide conservation efforts
Our Team
The BIOSCAN–Canada teams include biologists to lead sample and sequence acquisition, data scientists to curate and analyze results, environmental scientists to contextualize them, and social scientists to oversee community engagement and to develop policy impact. It also includes partners in the government, NGO, and private sectors.

Paul Hebert
University of Guelph
Theme Lead: Species Discovery
Project Leader

Elizabeth Clare
York University
Theme Lead: Species Interactions

Melania Cristescu
McGill University
Theme Lead: Species Dynamics

David Castle
University of Victoria
Theme Lead: Genomics in Society

Crystal Tremblay
University of Victoria
Theme: Genomics in Society

Kevin Kerr
University of Guelph
Project Manager
Partners and Sponsors
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics resides on the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We uphold the significance of the Dish with One Spoon Covenant and the continuing relationship our Indigenous neighbours have with this land. We recognize that today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples and acknowledging them reminds us of our relationships to this land where we learn and work.
We would also like to acknowledge the traditional territories of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and around the world, their right to self-determination and sovereignty and their relationships to all aspects of creation since time immemorial. We acknowledge the diversity of Indigenous Nations, territories, and communities and each of their unique relationships to land. Through our collective work, we acknowledge with great respect and give voice to all life on planet Earth and honour the sacred relationships between people, nature, and biodiversity.
We are committed to honouring and upholding the 46 articles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We will engage with a variety of Indigenous knowledge holders to ensure a diversity of perspectives.
Join BIOSCAN-Canada’s interdisciplinary team in a major initiative that aims to transform Canadians’ understanding of biodiversity and nature.
BIOSCAN-Canada’s commitment
BIOSCAN-Canada project is committed to diversity and inclusion in its research and outreach activities. It welcomes applications from racialized persons, women, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2+ persons, and others who may contribute to the diversification of ideas. BIOSCAN-Canada provides support throughout the application process for applicants with disabilities. We work with you to understand the impact of your disability to accommodate you during the application/interview process appropriately. Please get in touch with Sue-Ann Connolly for assistance.